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Socialization of Early Prosocial Behavior: Parents' Talk about Emotions is Associated with Sharing and Helping in Toddlers.




What role does socialization play in the origins of prosocial behavior? We examined one potential socialization mechanism, parents' discourse about others' emotions with very young children in whom prosocial behavior is still nascent. Two studies are reported, one of sharing in 18- and 24-month-olds (n = 29), and one of instrumental and empathy-based helping in 18- and 30-month-olds (n = 62). In both studies, parents read age-appropriate picture books to their children and the content and structure of their emotion-related and internal state discourse were coded. Results showed that children who helped and shared more quickly and more often, especially in tasks that required more complex emotion understanding, had parents who more often asked them to label and explain the emotions depicted in the books. Moreover, it was parents' elicitation of children's talk about emotions rather than parents' own production of emotion labels and explanations that explained children's prosocial behavior, even after controlling for age. Thus, it is the quality, not the quantity, of parents' talk about emotions with their toddlers that matters for early prosocial behavior.
机译:社会化在亲社会行为的起源中起什么作用?我们研究了一种潜在的社会化机制,即父母对年幼但亲社会行为尚处于萌芽状态的孩子关于他人情绪的论述。据报道有两项研究,一项是在18个月和24个月大的婴儿中共享(n = 29),另一项是在18个月和30个月大的婴儿中共享基于工具和基于同理心的帮助(n = 62)。在这两项研究中,父母都给孩子读了适合年龄的图画书,并编码了与情感有关的内容和内部状态话语的内容和结构。结果表明,帮助和分享得更快,更频繁的孩子,尤其是在需要更复杂的情感理解的任务中,有更多的父母让他们标记并解释书中描述的情感。而且,即使是在控制了年龄之后,还是父母对孩子谈论情感的启发而不是父母自己对情感标签和解释的产生解释了孩子的亲社会行为。因此,与早期亲社会行为有关的是父母与孩子谈论情感的质量而不是数量。



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